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House Cricket | A-Safe Care Pest Control Service

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House Cricket

Why are crickets important?
The common cricket becomes a bother when they occasionally invade our homes. There they
destroy silk, wool and other materials. Since crickets are attracted to stains and
perspiration, soiled textile and clothing are often chosen. Their chirping is a source of annoyance “especially to me I
hate them.”

Where do crickets live?
Crickets generally live on the outside but occasionally invade homes and other buildings in large numbers.
Crickets are attracted to light.

What do crickets look like?
The adult of the common house cricket ranges in length from 1/2 inch to3/4 inch. Their color ranges from light yellow
to brown and three dark markings appears around their heads. Crickets may also be black and shiny. Crickets
have a thin projection from the tip of their abdomen called Ovipositor which is used for egg laying.
The common cricket becomes a bother when they occasionally invade our homes. There they destroy silk, wool and other materials. Since crickets are attracted to stains and perspiration, soiled textile and clothing are often chosen. Their chirping is a source of annoyance “especially to me I hate them.”

Where do crickets live?
Crickets generally live on the outside but occasionally invade homes and other buildings in large numbers.
Crickets are attracted to light.

What do crickets look like?
The adult of the common house cricket ranges in length from 1/2 inch to3/4 inch. Their color ranges from light yellow
to brown and three dark markings appears around their heads. Crickets may also be black and shiny. Crickets
have a thin projection from the tip of their abdomen called Ovipositor which is used for egg laying.