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Commercial Services | A-Safe Care Pest Control Service

Commercial Services

Our commercial pest control service is essentially an inspection treatment combination. No treatment is given before we do an inspection. This allows our tech to make an informed treatment decision which uses the right materials to control the identified or most likely pest problem. All treatment plans are therefore customized to meet your specific needs.


1. Complete Inspection: We do a complete inspection of your property, both inside and outside. In doing so, we are able to identify all the critical points at which insect and non insect pest can be controlled. We look for all harborages, entry points and nesting sites to include even lumber piles and trees which pests may use as a bridge to enter your homes.


2. Exclusion: Having identified potential and active entry points we proceed to provide a caulking service .This service depends on the facility applies to the entry points of utility cables and line. Exclusion services are also available for rats and squirrels etc. we also make recommendations when major construction work is required to exclude rodents. Our technicians are however trained to undertake most pest exclusion work.


3. Treatment of Wall Voids: Empty spaces in walls are the ideal living place for German cockroach carpenter ants and many more pests. We treat these areas by removing switch plates and coverings for electrical outlets. Our certified technicians use special equipment which is well suited to make these safe green applications.


4. Nesting Sites: Nesting sites are sometimes discovered in hidden areas. These sites are checked and the nesting removed, modified or treated with a green approach. Where necessary we make recommendations for you the customer to do such modifications.


5. People Proof Baiting: Even though our materials are green and organic we take additional steps by placing insect baits in areas which are not readily contacted by workers are customers. These baits are ideally suited for cock roach and ant and rodent control.


6. Treatment of All Entry Ways: It is not unusual that pest sometimes find themselves in our facilities even though we are treating for pests. This is often because technician over look some entry ways. Our qualified technicians are trained to create a complete barrier around your facilities by treating all entry ways.


7. Green Barrier: Our green barrier is intended to put a final block in the pathways of pest to prevent them from c gaining entry to your facility. We either spray a liquid green barrier around facility or sprinkle granular material which is equally effective. This green organic approach to pest control stops pests right in their tracks.


8. Crack and Crevice: Even when we have had the best sealing and caulking jobs done there may be tiny cracks and crevices all over our facilities. These are great harborages for crawling insects. Our technicians take the insect baits to them in these areas. This kills insect pests in their hiding places.


9. Record Keeping and Reporting: We provide our customers with a detail report of the materials used and the amounts. These meet the reporting requirements of Federal and State regulations and are kept for up to three years.


10. Employee discount: Through our services you have the opportunity to increase your benefit package to your employees. We offer a $ 50.00 discount to your employees. This is an added incentive which maintains that feeling of family within your team.