Carpenter Ant
Why are Carpenter Ants Important?
Carpenter Ants inflict a terrible bite. They move about day and night invading homes. They feed on wood that has
been damaged by termites and decay. Carpenter ants invading our homes can be traumatic especially during the
night. The motive for entering homes includes escaping from unfavorable conditions or in search of food.
Where do Carpenter Ant live?
Carpenter Ants live in and around buildings which include gutters, paneling, hollow doors and fire places. They travel
up to 100 yards in search of food. Their preference is to live in wood that has been damaged by termites.
Whenever Carpenter Ants invade your home you should call A‐Safe care Pest Control Service we are Tamp Bay Pest
Control, the premier provider of Carpenter Ant control.
Reproductive Capacity:
It takes a single adult female to start a new colony, the new colony quickly multiply into several thousands ants.
After two to five years new winged bearing reproductive called alates are seen.
Smaller satellite Carpenter Ant colonies grow from the main colony a distance which vary from 20 to 100 feet.
What do Carpenter Ant look like?
Carpenter Ants are long‐legged and moves very fast. They are reddish brown and some are black. They range in size
from 1/4 to 1/2 inches. The Florida Carpenter Ant is one of the most common type.